Jlyasdi's Journey
Jlyasidi (jŭ lä' sĭd ē) Jesus Love You and So Do IPray For Our Babies
View all of our latest prayer requests and let our families know that you’re praying for them.
Our Latest Prayer Requests and Updates
PREVIOUS JJ GRAD- Baby Baby Keshun- Isaiah 49:16
Baby Keshun is 4 months old. He has been admitted for Pneumonia and RSV. His mother says he is off oxygen and breathing on his own. Please pray for RSV to cease and for him to continue to get better.
NEW NICU GRADUATE- Baby Zhcarriah- Isaiah 41:13
Baby Zhcarriah was born on 3.7.24 at 26 weeks weighing 1 lb. 5 oz. She now weighs over 14 lbs. PRAISE Baby Zhcarriah has graduated from the NICU and is being spoiled at home.
Jlyasdi's Journey
Jlyasdi’s Journey is a non-profit organization that is a Christian-based Antepartum / NICU (Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit) service. Our mission is to provide encouragement and support to families who are on the Antepartum Unit or who have a baby in the NICU.
Jlyasdi’s Journey offers comfort, encouragement, hope and healing to those who may have an intense and immediate need for God’s touch in their baby’s life.